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The World Awaits

I still remember the day I began my educational journey at the University of Florida. I was overwhelmed by all the requirements I had to complete and had no idea what this experience would pan out to be. Should I take that Sociology class? Would I like it? Only time will tell.  However, as I made my way through different organizations and peer advising groups, I slowly came to terms that I did not have to have it all figured out. It was after completing a mentorship program my freshman year, that I came to find out about the International Scholars Program which ultimately shaped the rest of my undergraduate experience. Before starting my undergraduate studies, I often heard of various global issues and as someone who has lived in different countries throughout her life, I felt well diversified in them. Nevertheless, it was through the International Scholars Program that I truly came to understand basic issues and what a Global Citizen was. I not only got to learn different theoretical frameworks, but I also combined academia and my lived experiences to understand the perplexities of the world. It is one thing to have a basic understanding of a topic but to examine them is another.

After taking classes that had a global focus on environmental issues, poverty, women's health, and culture, I could apply and expand on these topics once I studied abroad. To me, the ability to apply and see for myself what I learned in the classroom setting, was the most useful to my understanding and growth. In one of my classes, Transnational Feminism, I learned about unsafe motherhood in the Global South and my study abroad trip to India reinforced everything I had previously learned. While it is never a good feeling to see global issues face-to-face, it changes the way one views life going forward. To me, unsafe motherhood now transcended what was in my textbook and readings to be represented by the women I met in India. In addition, my ability to speak with locals as well as organizations in the areas visited, made everything so much more real. This is not to mention that because of my study abroad program, I am now an ambassador who connects potential voyagers to embark on their own journey of discovery. Moreover, the classes I took while studying abroad had an international focus as well as a real-life component to them. I was able to go on "field classes" where we would be able to apply the topics discussed in our classes to the countries we visited. For example, in my Social Inequality class, we visited Caritas, an NGO that works with refugees seeking asylum in Greece. During this visit, we got to learn from those who run this organization and actively try to address inequalities in immigration as refugees are subject to years of uncertainty and hardships before they can ever get a chance at resuming a “normal” life. In the end, studying abroad not only showed me the world, but it gave me new lenses to see it through, and for that, I will always be grateful for what it did in my life. 


As I head into the next chapter of my life, I can now not only learn about the world but know how to understand intricate issues.

Because of my UF and ISP, my global awareness, perspective, and engagement are now rich and diversified. My ability to think interculturally, understand, global health policies, and use historical theoretical frameworks redefined my analytic as well as critical thinking skills; two skills which will continue to be used post-graduation in my personal, academic, and professional life. As someone who wants to work in law and will eventually have to go to law school, the ability to read and understand texts that grapple with an assortment of issues is more than a necessity. However, this is something I have already learned to do from the classes that I took while at UF. Moreover, my global learning experience has also made me zealous for issues that affect the world, ultimately sparking my interest in addressing global issues that may affect us all. Not only did I receive a wide set of tools to go into the world, but I also received the ability to further understand it. From what I learned through UF and ISP, I can confidently attest I am ready for my next chapter of life and to continue being the best global citizen I can be. ​

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